Reception or concierge security officer roles are specifically selected front-of-house positions assigned to our finest, professionally mannered and presentable staff members. Corporate/commercial and residential locations that require initial points of contact through concierge, reception or other doorkeeper positions require officers to be both diligent in their security tasks, but also exceptionally adept at interpersonal interaction, presentation, and administrative ability. The combination of security and reception staff is a cost-effective solution for many businesses and residential entities, and our officers are able to provide both safety and service for clients.
To ensure a welcome greeting for anyone working, visiting, or residing in an assigned location, officers in the reception and concierge division are selected based on 3 important qualities that are tailored to the environments in which they will conduct their duties.
Their presentation requirements are considerably more stringent, including grooming (hair, shaving, fingernails), attire (no visible blemishes, crinkles, chips), and mannerisms (posture, language, expressions). Their personality exhibited while on duty must reflect principles of courtesy and service, affability and kindness, and reasonable pleasantness while also maintaining stringent security standards. Finally, they receive duty-specific training and must have proficiency in tasks required at their assigned environment, which may include residential variations such as inhabitant welfare checks, building code requirements, mail and call handling, and even cleaning upkeep.
These officers are carefully selected for their presentability and interpersonal skills. In addition to the highest grooming and attire standards, these positions are subject to any additional visual or communication standards requested by clients.
Friendly and service-oriented officers are selected for these roles. Their aptitude for polite and courteous communication and further training on language mannerisms, service and concierge standards, anti-bias, and friendly greetings, ensure only the best people represent your business.
In addition to presentation and interpersonal requirements, officers receive further training for administrative and other tasks such as reception duties (mail and call handling), front-of house environment upkeep, residential or commercial access control, CCTV monitoring, and welfare/building checks.
While exceedingly high standards are commonplace across West Division Security, the importance of a presentable, personable and proficient security officer at front-of-house for reception or concierge duty cannot be understated. We understand the importance of perception and personal engagement for initial points of contact and residential placements. Rest assured, our officers will meet the high bar of quality placed upon them to more than satisfy the needs of any location.
Driven by a commitment to safety and an unyielding dedication to clients, West Division is a security firm that not only provides top-tier protection but also prioritizes personal service and tailored solutions.
Call : +1 647-834-0776